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PJHW Academic Guidance and Counseling Center

2024-2025 Staff

KC Scarborough, 8th Grade Counselor, Class of 2029

Jamie Holbert, 7th Grade Counselor, Class of 2030

Dawn Coryat-Hon, Student Support Counselor

Samantha Hernandez, Communities in Schools (CIS)

Lisa Beringer, Counselor Secretary

Norma Ruiz, Registrar

Students are encouraged to speak with their grade level counselor about general topics via Canvas discussion boards or district email (use the links above). They are encouraged to request an appointment for other issues. Please feel free to email any questions or concerns regarding student academic and personal success.

Be sure to visit the links to the left for more information pertaining to your specific grade level. We are continuously updating and posting useful information to this page. We appreciate your patience as we do our best to add information as quickly as we receive it.


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